Tunatura / Adobestock
Start From the Top: Start with your tallest shelf and work your way down until everything in the room has been dusted, washed, or wiped. This is the most effective way to clean because any excess dust or grime you don’t get on the first round will be waiting for you on lower surfaces. Always start your cleaning routine with a thorough dusting and end by sweeping, mopping or vacuuming your floors.
What Lies Beneath: Be prepared to move everything you own. It’s amazing how much dirt, dust, and dander can accumulate under your couch, behind a hutch, or even underneath that pretty flower vase. Just because you can’t see the dust doesn’t mean it’s not there. Make sure to leave no chair, bookshelf, or throw pillow unturned.
Kill the Clutter: Nothing looks messier than too much clutter. If you truly want to clean house this spring, it’s time to get organized. Take a room inventory of anything you don’t love or doesn’t work and sort everything into throw-away or donation piles. This spring, choose to simplify your life by simplifying your home. Remember, simple is always in style.
Closets Count: If you’ve followed the first three tips, you’ve gotten rid of your decades-old magazine collection, vacuumed the sofa, and now your living room, kitchen and bathroom are spotless. But what about your closets? Just because they’re used for storage doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a good cleaning. Sort through the clutter, donating old shirts you haven’t worn in years, and clean your closets from top to bottom, leaving no boot or box of mittens unturned.
Clean Green: You can effectively clean with a few safe and simple ingredients. Baking soda is one great all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. It not only cleans, but also deodorizes, removes stains, and works as a good fabric softener. Cornstarch and lemon juice will clean any greasy surface. Lemon juice also works as an alternative to bleach. Salt is a strong abrasive cleaner and toothpaste is a mild one. Vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner that cuts grease, removes stains, and when mixed with water, will leave your glass surfaces streak-free and sparkling.