A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

44 Father’s Day Ideas Dad Will Have a Blast Doing

Updated: May 23, 2024

Looking for the perfect activity for the big day? From golf to go-karts, these fun Father’s Day ideas will become memories he treasures forever.

Dad hugging kids
kate_sept2004/Getty Images

Celebrate Dad with these creative Father’s Day ideas

You’ve gotten Dad the perfect Father’s Day gift and Father’s Day card, complete with a great Father’s Day message or quote. But what should you do on Father’s Day itself? Father’s Day, celebrated on the third Sunday every June, usually brings nice weather and plenty of opportunities for family fun … and, of course, you want to choose something he’ll really love. Whether you opt to spend some quality time with just you and Dad or get the whole family involved, here are some great Father’s Day ideas for you and your favorite guy.

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Father and daughters celebrating Fathers day together
Rafael Ben-Ari/Getty Images

Make him breakfast in bed

Breakfast in bed doesn’t have to be just for Mom! Make Dad feel special by bringing him some of his favorite foods on his big day. Make a morning of it by cuddling up alongside him and giving him his gifts while he feasts—though this will set the bar high for Father’s Day activities for the rest of the day! You can even write one of these funny Father’s Day quotes on his napkin to make him laugh at breakfast.

Kids watching movie with their father on Father's Day
NoSystem images/Getty Images

Watch a movie

Whether you and your dad love a side-splitting comedy or a good tearjerker, there are plenty of good flicks to watch on Father’s Day. End the day with a movie night, or if you don’t have the best weather, opt for a movie marathon! From family-friendly classics like Finding Nemo to action movies like Taken with Liam Neeson, our list of the best Father’s Day movies has something for everyone.

father and son fishing on fathers day
Cavan Images/Getty Images

Go fishing

Fishing is one of the most classic Father’s Day activities for a reason. When else do you get to stand side by side and catch up on life while you enjoy the great outdoors? Impress your dad with this neat fishing trick this year: Use WD-40 to spray your lures. It attracts fish and masks human odor that can scare them off. After he marvels at your knowledge, make him laugh with these dad jokes.

Father and Daughter Riding in Go Kart on Father's Day
BanksPhotos/Getty Images

Race each other in go-karts

Don’t give him yet another tie or golf shirt this year. For a truly memorable gift, take Dad out for a thrill ride. Set him up on a speedway with a go-kart and a helmet, and challenge him to a race! You’ll both have the time of your life, and you’ll be talking about this for years to come. Go for the day, or combine it with a weekend getaway for some serious quality time.

Paintball on father's day
Westend61/Getty Images

Challenge him to an epic paintball battle

Unleash Dad’s inner warrior—and yours—on the paintball field. After all, nothing says “I love you” like a little friendly competition between the generations. If paintball is too rough (getting hit can hurt, and you do need some special gear), try an airsoft or Nerf gun fight in the backyard instead. You’ll be transported right back to your childhood and his early days as a dad. If you have a new dad in your life, on the other hand, check out our list of the best first Father’s Day gifts.

Father and son toasting and drinking beer in the pub
Anchiy/Getty Images

Plan a beer-tasting day

Go ahead and make his day by toasting him at a local beer- or wine-tasting event. This is one of those Father’s Day ideas that even comes with a built-in gift: Bring home some of the day’s best bottles so he’ll remember the day for weeks to come. Take a look a these funny Father’s Day memes while sipping on your brews, then share them with the rest of the fam.

father and son riding roller coaster on Father's Day
Joe McBride/Getty Images

Hit the amusement park

You likely gave your dad a roller coaster of emotions growing up, so pay him back by treating him to a more fun type of roller coaster! Thrilling rides, funnel cake, tacky souvenirs—that’s just some of the fun you’ll get to experience at a theme park. Whether you go to a small local fave or something big like Disney World, if that’s in your proverbial backyard, you’ll both feel like kids again and totally rejuvenated by the end of the day. If you’re celebrating your stepfather, give him a card with one of these heartwarming stepdad quotes in it.

Golfer on the professional golf course. Golfer with golf club hitting the ball for the perfect shot.
ArtMassa/Getty Images

Practice your swing

They say golf is a good walk spoiled, but not when you spend 18 holes worth of quality time with Dad. You can hire a PGA instructor for a series of golf lessons for the two of you—a great excuse to hang out together, pick up tips from a pro and improve your game. You can also head to the driving range or play some mini-golf, if that’s more your (or his) speed. This could even work as a last-minute Father’s Day gift.

father and daughter doing crafts on fathers day
bernardbodo/Getty Images

Make him a custom craft

This Father’s Day idea is great for the pint-size set. Set up the kids with some art supplies, and let them go to town with the glitter, googly eyes and glue to make a one-of-a-kind Father’s Day craft. Dads and grandpas will truly cherish these kid creations forever—and thank you for facilitating these sweet gifts.

Father and son building birdhouse outdoor
Daniela Jovanovska-Hristovska/Getty Images

Build something

If Dad is handy, pull out the nails, sander and paint and tackle a construction project together. Of course, we’re not talking about run-of-the-mill home-improvement projects here, unless you and Dad really do love that, of course. Work on building a bird house (or if you want to go really big, a tree house!), or paint a piece of furniture a cool color to give new life to an old piece. If you have little ones at home, you can have them work on a LEGO creation together.

Boston Red Sox v. New York Yankees
Rob Tringali/Getty Images

Catch a ballgame

Tickets to his favorite sporting event are pretty much always a winning idea—and definitely a winning Father’s Day idea. Many stadiums offer Father’s Day deals, so see if your local teams are offering discounted tickets. Just be sure to join him on this father-child outing so you can spend time together. Want to be the favorite child? Surprise him by splurging on season tickets.

Father and daughter enjoying campfire at seaside campsite at sunset
Ippei Naoi/Getty Images

Go on an overnight camping trip

This year, start a family camping tradition. Pitch a tent, kindle a campfire and swap memories about growing up—it’s bonding at its best. Look for a campground near you, pack up your camping gear and go wild (literally). Bonus: The tech-free time translates to more opportunities to have meaningful conversations and create new memories.

Young man with a girl sitting on a bed talking and laughing, while putting on a face cream, playing in a spa at home
Paulina Rojas Gonzalez/Getty Images

Plan a spa day

Dads enjoy getting pampered too! Book him a luxurious massage, haircut or professional shave at a nice salon. Or DIY it at home with face masks, a bubble bath and a foot soak. Here’s how to have a relaxing spa day at home.

Father and children at a car show from above
Chris Sattlberger/Getty Images

Take in a car show

Is your dad an absolute car nut? Contact local car clubs to find a nearby show featuring vintage hot rods or the latest electric car. Bond over stories of what it was like for him to drive his first car—or laugh over what he went through to teach you how to drive. (Enough time has elapsed since that traumatic experience … probably.)

Hermann Oberth Space Museum
picture alliance/Getty Images

Learn something new

Got a dad who’s a history or science buff? Take him to a free day at a local museum. Check with your local library or historical society, and ask if tours are available in their stacks and archives. Many organizations will also be happy to show you a behind-the-scenes look at your town’s history, and it’s always fun to play tourist in your hometown or a nearby city.

Father and son playing checkers while sitting on carpet at home
Cavan Images/Getty Images

Play board games

Here’s another way to tap into his competitive side, but without the risk for personal injury. (Sorry, he’s not 25 anymore, and you might not be either!) But board games exercise that all-important mental muscle, and you can pick something fun from his top category, whether it’s a strategy board game or a classic. One idea: Find out what his favorite game was growing up and see if he’s still got it.

Family on festival
svetikd/Getty Images

Get tickets to a concert

Outdoor concerts are particularly fun at this time of year, so check local listings for his favorite band, a tribute band playing faves from his teen years or an outdoor music festival. Find one with food trucks and make a night of it, or bring snacks, a cooler and a picnic blanket. Or just head to a great local restaurant with live music. Earn extra brownie points by including the tickets in a Father’s Day gift basket made specially for him.


Get artsy

Many local art museums have dad-friendly works to look at, or you can find a specialized collection or gallery that he might find more interesting. You can also check out cool art installations in a nearby city (think: murals or sculptures) for a neat alternative to a more traditional museum—and a fun adventure.

Young father and daughter cooking together at home
JGalione/Getty Images

Take a cooking class

You can treat Dad to dinner anytime, but getting in the kitchen together opens up the possibilities for a different sort of bonding—and noshing. Sur La Table, local restaurants and culinary schools are all good places to start your search. The best part of this Father’s Day idea? At the end of your chef session, you’ll get to enjoy the meal you created together … and replicate it for many meals to come.

Father buckling daughter (2-3) in car seat
Jessica Peterson/Getty Images

Embark on a road trip

From the coast of Maine to Florida’s Key West, or wherever else you’re based, June is a great month to get away—especially if you live in an area where it’s just starting to feel like summer. Pack up the car, buy some snacks, put together a Father’s Day playlist (so you can both agree on the tunes!) and get ready for some serious bonding. Throw in a well-timed “Are we there yet?” to hearken back to the good ol’ days of family road trips.

Father and son volunteer during charity drive
SDI Productions/Getty Images

Volunteer together

He’s given you so much—now it’s time for both of you to give back. If he’s a community-minded guy, turn Father’s Day into an even more meaningful day by helping those in your community. Consider a Habitat for Humanity build, a Red Cross blood donation or a volunteer shift at a food bank. Here are some other creative ways to volunteer.

Beautiful bright ice cream with different flavors in the hands of a couple
sf1nks/Getty Images

Grab some ice cream

Sometimes the basics are the best. Just like when you were a kid, your dad will love indulging in some sweet treats with you, and with this Father’s Day activity, he’ll get two of his favorite things: dessert and spending time with his favorite person. Go ahead and indulge in the hot-fudge sundae with all the fixings.

Ethnic young guide man driving a red generic car convertible

Rent his favorite car

Has your dad always dreamed of driving a Ferrari? Or maybe a Lamborghini? Fulfill his fantasy and rent his dream car for a couple hours and take a spin together. Talk about what kind of car you’d design if you had unlimited funds—or maybe plan an EV road trip in a scenic spot like the California coast for next year’s Father’s Day activities!

Father and Daughter Mountain Bikers Enjoy Summer Mountaintop View, California
PamelaJoeMcFarlane/Getty Images

Go on a bike ride

Remember when he patiently taught you how to ride your bike in your driveway, then around the block and eventually on your own without those training wheels? This is a fun throwback activity, with an adult twist, especially if he loves being outside. Take him to his favorite park, or try a trail neither of you has been to before and go exploring. Get him a new helmet as a present, and consider making this a regular father-child date.

Man listening to a vinyl record and looking at the record cover on a couch at home
10'000 Hours/Getty Images

Listen to old records

Vinyl is back in style, so you should be able to find a vintage record player. Find out what your dad’s favorite records were, or check the basement to see if he’s still got some lying around. He’ll feel nostalgic dusting off his records and listening to his old favorites. Even better, he’ll love sharing his past with his children. It may even spark some stories that will help you get to know your dad on a deeper level. This is also a terrific Father’s Day idea for Grandpa.

Tween girl examining ancient kettle in quest room
JackF/Getty Images

Solve an escape room

Escape rooms are one of the hottest activities right now, and for good reason—these life-size puzzles offer mental and physical challenges in a fun themed setting. You’ll have to work together as a team to escape in time, making it a great family bonding activity. Take a picture at the end to commemorate your great escape … even if you don’t actually escape.

Allan Gardens
Eli Unger/Getty Images

Take him to a garden show

If gardening or landscaping is more of a passion than a chore for your dad, treat him to tickets to a garden show, a walk around botanical gardens or just a trip to your local nursery. Or you can get outside together, work in his pride and joy of a garden, or even build your own DIY hydroponic garden together.

Macho Kid Mows Lawn with Lawnmower
JasonDoiy/Getty Images

Knock out something on his chore list

Chances are, your pop has a list of things he’s been meaning to get done around the house but hasn’t had the time or energy to do yet. Find a big project that needs doing and offer to help, or if you’re able, do it yourself and take it off his plate. Think of things like changing the oil in the car, clearing out the attic, cleaning the dryer vents, painting, filling holes in the walls or tilling the garden. He’ll be so appreciative!

Skydivers in indoor wind tunnel, free fall simulator
Delpixart/Getty Images

Go indoor skydiving

Dads who like an adrenaline rush will love spending an afternoon at an indoor skydiving facility. You can jump, flip and fly (safely) to your heart’s delight, and you’ll get some great pictures. If you have a little extra money to spend, are feeling extra brave and want a Father’s Day experience of a lifetime, book a real skydiving trip.

Asian LGBTQ guy painting self-made pottery at home studio.
CandyRetriever/Getty Images

Paint pottery

It’s a two-for-one Father’s Day gift: The work of art you create together will become a precious souvenir for years to come. Book a time slot at a local painting or pottery studio, choose what type of project you’d like to make, and then have fun making it beautiful (or silly) together. And yes, this can be an excellent adult Father’s Day activity (some facilities even have paint-and-sip sessions), but you can also give it a kid-friendly twist by bringing the grandkids along.

Mixologist making refreshing cocktail with hard seltzer at home
Aamulya/Getty Images

Create a signature cocktail for him

Having a signature drink is a badge of honor! Not only is creating a custom cocktail a fun way to celebrate the day and a unique take on a personalized Father’s Day gift, but it can also become a tradition for future Father’s Days. Treat Dad to a trip to a local speakeasy or cocktail lounge. (Call ahead to see if they do custom drinks, and expect to pay and tip more for this service.) You could also look up interesting recipes online, or take a mixology class together, and have fun creating it at home.

Cool Father and Son at Home Beach
RichVintage/Getty Images

Treat him to a relaxing staycation

Use the holiday as an excuse to fully disconnect and escape daily life—either together with the family or on his own if he needs some alone time. If you don’t have the time or money to splurge on a vacation, try these staycation ideas for a treat close to home.

Close up of happy father embracing little girl after coming home from work on Fathers day, focus on child holding letter for dad,
SeventyFour/Getty Images

Read him your Top 10 dad list

Dads don’t get enough credit for being sentimental, but even the toughest fathers are often softies at heart. And we can pretty much guarantee that any dad will love a “Top 10” all about him, created by you. It could be the 10 things you love about him, your 10 favorite memories of him, the 10 best things you’ve done with him, 10 things he said to you that you’ll always remember or anything else you can think up. Read him the list, and watch him melt.

Father Carries Son On Hike Through Forest Trail in Pacific Northwest
RyanJLane/Getty Images

Take a hike

There’s nothing better than heading outdoors to take in one of Mother Nature’s grand displays. Do it together to check out the sunrise over the mountains or the sunset at the beach. Take him on one of his favorite hikes, or choose a new one from our list of the best hiking trails in every state.

Filipino girl singing karaoke in living room
Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Sing karaoke

Regardless of whether your dad has always secretly wanted to be an opera star or he sings like a cat in a tin bucket, karaoke is fun for all skill levels. In fact, karaoke at home or a local bar just may be the secret to happiness. You’ll laugh, you’ll bond and you’ll make some serious memories while singing his favorite tunes.

Mature Adult Male Playing Pickle Ball Photo Series
eyecrave productions/Getty Images

Play pickleball

Pickleball is America’s fastest growing sport, and it’s easy to see why—it combines the skills of tennis, the fun of badminton and the whimsy of Wiffle ball. If he’s a newbie, you can take a lesson together, or if he’s played before, grab your gear and head to the nearest court. Just remember to stay out of the kitchen! (Yep, it’s a pickleball thing!)

Stand Up Comedy Show
Maskot/getty images

Take him to a comedy show

Laughter really is the best medicine! Check your local comedy clubs for father-themed shows around Father’s Day, take him to a local bar for open mic night or check out an improv show. And if Dad feels like staying in, you can watch comedy specials online. Don’t forget to buy a funny Father’s Day gift to go with this activity.

African-American girl, father on water park lazy river
kali9/Getty Images

Hit up a water park

From the local pool to the community center to an epic water park, there are so many ways to have fun in the sun with your dad and the rest of the family. Make sure to pack your sunscreen, towels and snacks—and be prepared for a lot of water fights (and happy memories).

Young woman geocaching
tirc83/Getty Images

Go geocaching

Maps, hiking, the great outdoors, a hunt, cool tech and a prize—geocaching incorporates all the dad favorites. Known as the “world’s largest treasure hunt,” geocaching uses GPS-enabled devices to locate hidden containers called “caches.” People hide these caches all over the world, then post the locations on geocaching sites online for others to try and find. They are often cleverly hidden and contain fun notes and prizes. Download an app or look up geocaches in your area, and then take Dad on an adventure.

Happy little Asian girl and young Asian father having fun outdoors, running around on lawn. Father is giving his hand to daughter. Enjoying nature and Summer days in urban park. Family love lifestyle. Trust and support concept
d3sign/Getty Images

Play family capture-the-flag (or capture-the-dad)

Capture the flag and other outdoor games are perfect for extended families who like to celebrate Father’s Day all together. To play, divide into two teams (dads vs. kids?), mark off the playing area and tell each team to set their flag. For a fun twist, have a dad hold each flag, then try to “kidnap” the other team’s dad and get him back across the dividing line! Whoever gets the other team’s flag first wins bragging rights for the entire year.

International family on a picnic in the background of nature.
Maryna Terletska/Getty Images

Take him on a picnic

Pack up all your dad’s favorite foods and drinks, and head outdoors for a celebratory picnic. Pancakes, pizza and liverwurst? It doesn’t matter if the foods go together. In fact, it’s even more fun when they don’t. Remember: The best Father’s Day ideas don’t have to be expensive or posh—they just have to be fun!

Man doing research on family members. Holding old photograph and postcard in his hands, close-up
Uwe Krejci/Getty Images

Connect him to all the dads in his family line

Where is your dad’s family from? What is his heritage? Use a genealogy website, like Ancestry.com or Family Search, to look up your dad’s relatives—and yours! There are millions of records already online, and some families have records dating back centuries. You can find pictures, dad stories, recipes and other historical goodies to share together.

Father and Daughter using a Laptop
Geber86/Getty Images

Have a Star Wars marathon

Dedicate the day to watching your dad’s favorite movie franchise. Whether he’s into Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or the Marvel universe, you’ll have a blast rewatching his favorite shows. Bonus points if you watch them all in order! Or watch one of the greatest sports movies of all time.

Family preparing meal in backyard on barbecue grill
StefaNikolic/Getty Images


Is it even Father’s Day if you don’t grill something? Keep it simple with hot dogs or burgers, get fancy with delicious grill recipes or get creative with things you never knew you could grill (but totally should). If you have a dad who’s a grill chef, just be sure to ask first if he’d like to do the cooking or if he’d prefer to have the day off to celebrate.

Additional reporting by Chandni Jhunjhunwala.