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You love 'em. You hate 'em. Either way, it's New Year's resolutions season and people all over the world have resolved to be a better version of themselves. Want to make sure that the ones you choose are a success? Here are three tips to make sure this year is your best year yet:
1. Bite-sized goals. Don't bite off more than you can chew. To do that, you'll have to look at the entire year. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. There's a reason gyms are packed on January 2. By the middle of February, however, everyone left in the gym is waiting for the January gym-goers to leave. Plan out where you want to be a year from now. Then write it down. Tell a friend. Keep yourself accountable. Now, month by month, write down where you want to be next. Make the small goals realistic. It will help make the end goal seem much more achievable.
2. Find measurable markers. This is extremely important for your end success. If your goal is to lose weight, think about the things that you can measure to accomplish it. These measurable markers must be things that you can directly influence. In our example, losing weight can be measured by overall caloric intake versus caloric burn and how many minutes you walk in a day. Both of these measurable markers will affect your weight loss. If your goal is to save for a big trip, two measurable markers are how much you're placing into a savings account and how much you're spending on dining out each week. Get the picture?
3. Celebrate small successes. It's easy to get down on yourself when you don't see immediate success. However, success doesn't just mean your end goal. It means celebrating the mile markers each time you notice a small improvement. Pro tip: If your end goal is to get healthy or lose weight, don't celebrate with a sugary cupcake! Find another tangible celebration that won't get in the way of your final success.
With these easy-to-follow tips for New Year's resolutions, you're destined for success. Here's to a better year; here's to a better you!