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Wenzel Select Properties Newsletter-Vol 10 Issue 3


Do You Know the Warning Signs of Mold and Mildew?

Mold and mildew problems are common in areas with high moisture. When left unaddressed, the tell-tale black or gray splotches can rapidly spread out of control. Mold will damage your health and your home. When you see any of these warning signs, it's important to act quickly so the damage doesn't spread.

  • Musty smells. A musty odor in your basement, attic, or crawl space is often the first sign of a mold or mildew problem, so let your nose be your guide.

  • Water leaks. Damp spots on the walls or ceilings could be signs of water leaks, and if left unaddressed, they could lead to mold and mildew.

  • Discolored paint. When mold and mildew start to take hold, you may notice discoloration and staining on your walls. Any discoloration should be cause for concern.

  • Dark stains. The presence of dark stains in your bathroom, especially on the tiles, is a common early warning sign of mold and mildew.

  • Mold-related health issues. Mold exposure symptoms include sudden wheezing, coughing, itchy or watery eyes, and unexplained rashes.

  • Dampness. A damp basement can predispose your home to mold and mildew, which is especially likely if your basement has flooded in the past. Take steps to check for contamination before it spirals out of control.

  • Standing water. The presence of standing water around your home can also predispose the property to mold and mildew. Look for ways to improve drainage, and check for puddles and other standing water after heavy rain.

The sooner you address a mold or mildew problem, the easier it will be to fix. If you suspect the problem is already beyond your control, your next phone call should be to a mold remediation expert.

Managing Broker: Lisa Wenzel - 630 430-4797

Broker: Melissa Mathis – 630 392-5171

Broker: Freddy Wenzel - 630 430-4790

Broker: Danny Reed - 708 703-4653

Broker: Kristine Emmel - 847 489-8965

Broker: Eumeka Aguado - 847 513-4433

Broker: Morgan Pittsley - 815 540-6952
Broker: Catherine Lopez - 630 981-4572

Broker: Michaela Valle – 630 946-4269

Broker: Eric Pieroni – 630 818-0102

Broker: April Stary – 630 962-4820

Broker: Nina Rodriguez (224) 587-0780
Team Wenzel, 1120 Norfolk Street, Downers Grove IL 60516
The material in this publication is provided for your informational purpose only and is not intended to substitute professional advice. If your property is currently listed with a Real Estate Broker, this publication is not intended as a solicitation.

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