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Wenzel Select Properties Newsletter-Vol 11 Issue 2


Common Sense Reminders for a Fast Home Sale

The market may be hot for home sellers, but if you want to sell your home quickly there are still things you can do to keep the offers rolling in. Setting the right sale price and publicizing the listing are both essential to getting showings, but what other steps can you take to speed up your home sale?

Don't Wait to List Your Home
Peak selling season is typically between mid-March and mid-April, also known as the "magic window." But 2020 has been anything but typical, and the real estate market is not following a normal pattern. Right now inventory is at an all-time low, while demand is very high, which means it's peak selling season. If you're thinking about selling, don't wait until spring to list your property.

Take Swoon-Worthy Photographs
Around 98% of buyers start their search online and decide which properties they want to see based on photos, so you probably want something better than a few snapshots with your phone. Research by Redfin found that listings with professional-quality photos got 61% more views and sold for up to $11,000 more than other homes. Professional photography may cost more, but it's well worth the investment.

Eliminate Red Flags
A red flag is anything that makes a buyer suspect that your home is less than perfect. It could be something minor like a cracked tile or threadbare carpet, or a major problem like dampness. Consider getting a presale home inspection and fixing any problems before you list the home. Homebuyers want a move-in ready house, not a money pit, and an inspection will give them the peace of mind that all the repairs have been done. Plus, it should cut down on those 11th-hour repair negotiations during escrow.

Make Sure Every Room Has a Purpose
If you have an odd storage room, nook, or alcove with no obvious purpose, give it one. You might create a home office, for example. Bedrooms are one of the most valuable rooms in the house because adding a bedroom can push your home into a higher price bracket. So, if you are using yours as an office or gym, it may be worth redressing the room as a bedroom to show buyers they're getting what they're paying for.  

Be Super Flexible
The more flexible you are about showings, the more prospective buyers will be able to view your home. Make sure your home is show-ready early in the morning, in the evening, and on weekends, with little notice. It's also wise to remove pets and all pet items when would-be buyers visit, as they can be off-putting.

Managing Broker: Lisa Wenzel - 630 430-4797

Broker: Melissa Mathis – 630 392-5171

Broker: Freddy Wenzel - 630 750-4797

Broker: Danny Reed - 708 703-4653

Broker: Kristine Emmel - 847 489-8965

Broker: Catherine Lopez - 630 981-4572

Broker: Michaela Valle – 630 946-4269

Broker: April Stary – 630 962-4820

Broker: Nina Rodriguez – 224 587-0780

Broker: Eumeka Aguado - 847 513-4433
Team Wenzel, 1120 Norfolk Street, Downers Grove IL 60516
The material in this publication is provided for your informational purpose only and is not intended to substitute professional advice. If your property is currently listed with a Real Estate Broker, this publication is not intended as a solicitation.

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